February 12, 1521

I have been at sea for a few days now, searching for this so called “fountain of youth”, and frankly, the mere idea of such a powerful force is mouth watering. The simple idea that I may never grow old, that I can live far all eternity in my present form, that I will never be subdued by the limitations of morality, it is all almost too much to bear. Not only will I myself benefit, but just the honor that Spain shall receive through this will be so immense, and that in turn will possibly lead King Ferdinand to increase my own honor, and maybe give me an even higher position of power. I may need such a supernatural force to even complete my work, for I feel it will take an eternity to do all that is asked of me. But, after all this is done with, it will all be worth it for I will be able to retire from this straining business and spend the rest of my life with my loving family, which I miss dearly.