I write this from one of my three ships, the beautiful Santa María de la Consolación. My other two ships, Santiago and San Cristoboal sail behind me, as we search for the fabled island of Bimini, and the Fountain of Youth. King Ferdinand himself gave me permission to search for Bimini and the Fountain of Youth himself. The mysterious Fountain of Youth fascinates me, as I learned from the Indians themselves that the springs of Bimini give the person who drinks from it eternal youth.
We left the port of San German in Puerto Rico in early March, in hopes of claiming the island of Bimini in the name of Spain. Doing so will not be easy, as I will depend heavily on the navigation tools I possess, as well as the help of natives. My trusty compass gives me a sense of direction, as it amazingly always points me north. I do not understand how it works, however, I do know that the arrow in the compass acts like a magnet. The amazing astrolabe has become invaluable during my life as a conquistador. Using the information given to me by the astrolabe, I am able to calculate the latitude.
Earlier this week, I claimed land for the great country of Spain yet again. Although I have yet to discover the fabled Bimini, I am happy with my discovery of the land now known as Pascua Florida. I must leave now, as my duties as a conquistador leave little time for reflection.