November 27th, 1493

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain have sent my great captain, Christopher Columbus, on a voyage to the West Indies. I have been given the great honor to attend the great adventure, and I am determined to succeed in the name of Spain. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand are great leaders, and they are expecting great achievements from Christopher Columbus, as many consider him the greatest explorer since Marco Polo. New spices will be formed on the land Columbus discovers, and Spain will become rich with gold and spices from the new world. On October 13th, we set off from the Canary Islands, hoping to find Hispaniola, the great Island Columbus discover only a year ago.
We set off in search of the 40 men Columbus left in Hispaniola on his first voyage. On the ship, I learned many tricks about navigation and exploration. The older sailors teach me about the parts of the boat, and I am fortunate enough to even have a few brief conversations with Columbus himself. We saw the shoreline again for the first time on November 3rd. The older sailors have told me that this is an extraordinary accomplishment to cross the ocean in only 21 days, and that it usually takes much longer. We reached the island of San Juan Bautista on November 19th, 1493. Only 3 days later, we arrived in Hispaniola only to learn that the Indians have killed all 40 of Columbus’s men.
I must go now, as I do not want to disappoint Columbus. I only hope that one day, I will be as respected as Christopher Columbus, and lead an expedition of my own.